As of Saturday, Alyssa (see photo) is the first and only baby to be completely off the feeding tube - bottle fed only! Good job sweetie! She recovered so quickly from her infection - from being in special care on oxygen on Tuesday to off the feeding tube on Saturday. Another little miracle. She does an excellent job with the bottle and should soon be big enough to be out of the incubator. Valencia is now over 4 pounds, the usual size for babies to come out of the incubator. Although she is progressing well, she is not yet able to regulate her own body temperature so she will be staying in for a little longer. Bibiana is about 3 pounds 6 ounces and gaining well. Noah is still out of his incubator, feeding from both the bottle and feeding tube and gaining weight. All four babies began nursing on Saturday. Bibiana, who had not been very interested in the bottle, surprised us all by doing incredibly well. Alyssa also took to it immediately. Noah and Valencia will need a little more time, but all four babies were happy to be close to Mom. During this visit, Dad finally got his wish of putting all four babies together for pictures. It was quite a circus and even the nurses got excited. The babies did great, it was mostly the adults making all the fuss! Dad thinks he'll now be allowed to fly home, as long as he brings the pictures of the babies with him.
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