As of our hospital visit Tuesday August 10th, Noah (see photo) is out of the incubator! Go Noah! He is now over 4 pounds and doing great. It was wonderful to see him out in the open and sleeping like a normal happy baby. Valencia is right behind him. She is 3 pounds 14 ounces and should be out of her incubator shortly, as soon as she reaches 4 pounds. Bibiana has made great strides, putting on a lot of weight since the weekend and seems strong. She may be the smallest, but she's the loudest! Alyssa is also improving greatly after a minor setback. She had a small infection, which has now been treated. She was given oxygen and antibiotics, and was recovered enough to come off the oxygen and back into the room with the other babies. She is very independent, and didn't particularly like how we posed her for a photo! All four babies are looking healthy and strong. Please continue to keep them in your prayers, as well as prayers for Mom's healing.
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