On Wednesday, Alyssa and Valencia had their first visit to the pediatrician. Two babies, two parents, first visit, and only ten minutes late! It was a great visit. We even met with the doctor herself who graciously spent 15-20 minutes with us and did not charge us for her time. Yet another miracle - there is no end to what God can do!
Both girls have gained weight well - Alyssa is 4 lbs 4 oz and Valencia takes the prize at 4 lbs 15 oz! Everything else looked good and Mom and Dad got high marks for the care that they have been giving the girls. We picked up a few tips on feeding and other things, got all our questions answered, and mostly felt very comfortable with the care we received and how everything was progressing. All in all a great success! We will go back for a second weight check with Noah when he comes in for his first check-up. We'll need two cars though!
I am happy to announce to you that Alyssa & Valencia have both increase their feeding from 45Cc to 60Cc and are doing great. But valencia has started exhibiting some tricky behavior that was typical of Chavela. She cries and squirts once you lay her to sleep after her feed, then when you pick her up she stops crying immediately. Try putting her to rest again, and she will cry even louder until you pick her up again. Watch out! it's a trick. Let her cry. She will sleep anyway. Don't fall for that trap! Also happy to inform that inspite of Noah's current challenge, he has had significant weight gain and he hopefully, with Bibiana, will join her two sisters at the Hendricks by wednesday. To God be the Glory. Thank you all. NB: i will be leaving for Nigeria on sunday. Stay Blessed.