You are invited to get to know this wonderful couple and their beautiful children! The first part of this blog documents the family's several months in the USA, and now serves as a connection to their life back at home in Nigeria. We have all received MULTIPLE BLESSINGS through these brothers and sisters in Christ!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010
Valencia, Bibiana and Alyssa
We love getting out and about! Come see us before we head home to Nigeria! (This was just a doctors visit but riding in the car is still fun.) And we get lots of attention when we're out. Then we tell people we have a brother too! They can't believe there are four of us.
When you do come visit, we love new music too. You could bring some of your favorite lullaby's or church hymns and maybe even sing to us? We also like to sit outside now that it's not so hot. We sleep really well when someone is holding us outside in the fresh air!
Can't wait to see you!
Alyssa, Valencia, Noah & Bibiana
Friday, September 24, 2010
Come visit us this weekend!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Getting Ready to Travel
Today we took photos for the babies passports! We waited until right before a feeding, thinking that would be the best time to get their eyes open. Noah and Alyssa did great, but Bibiana and Valencia gave us some trouble. A cool washcloth did the trick for Bibiana, but there was nothing we could do to get Valencia to open her eyes. Then she got really mad and squeezed them shut tight while crying very loudly. We had to abort, and try again after feeding her and she was perfect then! I think we got pretty good pictures of all four of them!
Also, the babies are 8 weeks old today (and still 1 week away from their original due date). Three of them are now over 7 pounds and Bibiana is just under 7, so they have been gaining weight like champs.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
More pictures
Just after a feeding on Saturday, we were able to capture a few more shots of the babies. They love to relax on Mom's bed, propped up on her pillows.
Bibiana and sleepy Valencia
Alyssa and Valencia, the first two home from the hospital, seem to have a special bond. They enjoy sleeping close to one another and reach out for each other.
Valencia on Thursday, having trouble holding herself up.
One of Bibiana's best shots. A sweet angelic face!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Photo Day!
Alyssa, Valencia, Noah and Bibiana get their baths!
All the babies had baths, got their hair done, donned a special outfit, and had an individual photo shoot today! Then of course we put them all together - only the second time they've been photographed as a group
. It's also a special day because it's Mom & Dad's 5th anniversary - happy anniversary!
Mom was singing to the babies and they loved it! Bibiana was the only one awake during the group shots - her brother and sisters had already eaten and gone to sleep but she was waiting patiently to be fed. Valencia, now over 7 pounds (good girl!), struggled to hold her head up when seated for her photo. We had so much fun with them and they are all so precious.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Noah Comes Home!
Noah has finally joined his sisters at home! He came home Monday afternoon and he is on a monitor to be sure that he can maintain his heart rate. He is otherwise strong and healthy, well over 6 lbs. The nurses recommended the monitor primarily because he is one of four babies and cannot be watched as closely as if he was the only baby. It's an extra level of security for Mom, to know when he's doing alright and when he needs a pat on the back. We are glad to have him home and get him into the routine with his sisters!
The Girls Hold Hands!
Pediatrician Appointment
Valencia, Alyssa and Bibiana snooze at the pediatrician's office on Friday.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
So Sweet!
As of now, brother Noah should be coming home on Saturday. Mom will need to spend some time with him at the hospital during discharge, so we'll need extra help caring for Bibiana, Valencia and Alyssa during the day on Saturday. Please check the Volunteer Spot website to sign up and keep this family in your prayers. Thank you!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Girls
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Bibiana Coming Home!
Your help is needed now! Mom will need extra support as she adjusts to having three then four babies at home. She is doing well and staying strong, but as you can imagine she is very tired. She enjoys having company and the extra helping hands. Please check the Volunteer Spot and sign up for a time to come by. Thank you!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Weighing in!
Sleepy Alyssa weighing in (above).
Valencia dozes during her turn.
Thanks to Page's patented and perfected baby-weighing system, we were able to check to see how Alyssa and Valencia are growing! Subtracting clothing and diaper, Alyssa is about 5 lbs 1 oz and Valencia is about 5 lbs 10 oz! In the span of one week, both girls have gained just under a pound. They are doing great and happily meeting all the wonderful volunteers who are coming to help them and love them - thank you!
Extra help is needed this weekend since many are out of town for the holiday. We do not expect Noah and Bibiana to be coming home, but things can always change. At the most, we may have Bibiana come home, and we'll update the blog as soon as we know. Both Bibiana and Noah are gaining weight but just need additional monitoring. Please check the Volunteer Spot for times this weekend where help is needed, even if you can only sign up to help during a feeding time. Thank you!
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