Here is happy big sister Chavela with the quadruplets! From left: Noah, Alyssa, Chavela, Valencia and Bibiana.
Noah, Alyssa, Valencia and Bibiana
Sweet Chavela has been so good to her little sisters and brother. She's always anxious to get home from school to see how they are doing.
Mom is doing great and looking good!
Below are all the babies enjoying time in their swing.
Bibiana and Noah link arms.
Noah, Bibiana, Alyssa and Valencia.
Here's the latest news from Mom:
It's a lot of work, but fun to take the babies picture - clapping, talking, look up, snapping fingers, singing, dancing just to get their attention. Alyssa is crawling, but backwards instead of forwards and very fast! Valencia rolls over both directions very well and also fast! Noah is not interested in crawling because he's just always interested in food. Anything worth eating is okay by him. Bibiana is interested and trying to crawl but hasn't done it yet. She's still the smallest among them. All four can eat, smile and hold things very well. Please keep Valencia in your prayers - she has not been as active lately as normal and appears to feel weak. She is seeing the doctor about this.
Mom and Dad send love and a big kiss to all they met in Atlanta, and a special note of love to all members of the Northlake Church of Christ.